Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Red Fox

The Red Fox

Common Name  :  Red Fox
Scientific Name  :   Vulpes vulpes 
     Phulum          :  unavailable
     Chordata       :  unavailable
     Class             :  Mammalia (mammal)
     Order            :  Carnavora   (carnavore)
     Family           :  Canidae   (canines)
     Genus            :  unavailable 

Habitat               :  forest and woodland
Shelter               :  burrows inside trees
Food                 :  berries, rabbit, rat (basically anything with meat)
Life Expectancy :  15-20 years
Breeding Time   :  mid-late spring
Young               :  up to 6 (1 usually dies)

Additional Information:

     The Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the largest of the true foxes, as well as being the most geographically spread member of the carnivora, being distributed across the entire northern hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, Central America, and the steppes of Asia. Its range has increased alongside human expansion. Because of these factors, it is listed as Least Concern for extinction by the IUCN.
     The species has a long history of association with humans, having been extensively hunted as a pest and furbearer for centuries, as well as being prominently represented in human folklore and mythology.
Apart from its large size, the red fox is distinguished from other fox species by its ability to adapt quickly to new environments and, unlike most of its cousins, is not listed as endangered anywhere.

The Red Panda

Common Name:  Red Panda
Scientific Name:  Ailurus fulgens
     Phylum: Chordata
     Class: Mammalia
      Order: Carnivora
      Family: Procyonidae
     Genus: Ailurus
     Species: fulgens

Habitat:  forest
Shelter:  trees
Food:  bamboo, insects, berries, mushrooms, ectLife Expectancy: 12-14 years
Breeding Time:  mid-late spring
# of Young:  they give birth to 2 but usually only 1 will survive

Additional Information:
Slightly larger than a domestic cat, it has reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to its shorter front legs. It eats mainly bamboo, but is omnivorous and may also eat eggs, birds, insects, and small mammals. It is a solitary animal, mainly active from dusk to dawn, and is largely sedentary during the night.

The Red Squirrel

The Red Squirrel

Common Name  :  Red Squirrel
Scientific Name  :  Sciurus vulgaris
     Phulum          :  Chordata
     Class             :  Mammalia (mammal)
     Order            :  Rodentia   (rhodent)
     Family           :  Sciuridae
     Genus            :  Tamiasciurus

Habitat               :  forest and woodland
Shelter               :  burrows inside trees
Food                 :  seeds, buds, roots, flowers, berrys, nuts, bark, fungi (mushrooms exc...)
Life Expectancy :  about 10 years
Breeding Time   :  around mid - late winter
Young               :  3-6

Additional Imformation:
     The Red Squirrel gives birth to live young.  It leaves behind 3 signs, tracks, nut hulls, droppings (scat).